So at this point I am just about half way through the anticipated duration of my journey. I have been through 29 states, have driven just over 8,700 miles, changed the oil and fluids twice (and will again tomorow), have spent around $1,600 in gas, and have seen so many people/places/things it’s hard to absorb it all. In retelling the tales of the time spent, some of the destinations come together like glue and others take me all day to come up with what happened where. The truth be told, I did the southeast though i travelled it quick-like (already seen it). Took my time in the northeast (the beginning leg of the trip that I hadn't already seen+ sleeping for free most nights). BLEW THROUGH the mid-west (couldn’t afford anymore-THANK GOD-although Rt. 66 was a fun 1-time adventure). Tasted the southwest (just the beginning-I’M IN LOVE). At this point I have landed in Denver. I have been in and around here for the last couple of weeks (after packing 4,500 miles up and in to 10 days, the break has been much needed) and besides, Denver is one of my favorite cities (and my aunt and uncle are putting me up in their stunning estate.
All in all, I can conclude:
southeast-not surprising-hot, humid, and full of bugs
northeast-so much character, ridiculous driving, surprisingly nice people, expensive accommodations, LOVE NYC, beautiful countryside, and full of bugs
Midwest-OMG I LOVE CHICAGO!, other than that I think they should take a space-shuttle-sewing-machine, draw a vertical line just at Chicago’s east side, draw a vertical line just at Denver’s east side, and just eliminate all that’s in between. From what I’ve seen the excluded populations have been small enough to all fit into some place like Idaho (who unfortunately didn’t make the cut, geographically speaking).
southwest-I LOVE IT. After seeing city after city void of any character, it was so refreshing to get to spend a few days in New Mexico. The pueblo houses were so intriguing-and then I got to sleep in one-yay! Also, the hostels were leaps and bounds above anywhere I have slept yet! We managed to hit Santa Fe just in time for Fiesta, a giant festival featuring dancing, singing, locals, and AMAZING food. I couldn't have asked for anything more. If the economy wasn't so difficult there (even before this recession), I would be ready to relocate in a heartbeat.
There is still so much more to come, and the rest of it is the most anticipated. In just a few days, the trek should continue...
Driving to San Fran and staying for a few days. Flying into Seattle and staying for 2. Amtrak down to Portland and staying for 3 days. Then flying back into San Fran. From there, driving the coastal highway southbound, sleeping in 5 or 6 random cities on the way to LA. Although the prices are rising, this is the leg of the trip that really made me decide to do it all. I CANT WAIT!